Whatever way you can fundraise - we'll support you, stage by stage, step by step - Sign up today, make a difference.
Be a #Gamechanger
Major Courage has rallied the Troops and a core group of gamers are joining forces for a 48hr Gaming Marathon on the 18th February 2022.
Be a #gamechanger
Get your war paint on. Controllers at the ready and raise some money for Advocates and Angels.
How can I get involved?
We have made it really straight forward without lots of obstacles:
To enrol simply
Not a gamer?​
That's ok tune in to show your support and donate to keep our troops going!
How Do I collect Donations/Sponsors?
Simply download the sponsor form or create a Facebook Fundraiser and select Advocates and Angels as your cause.
The 48hr Schedule
Do I have to game for the full 48 hours?
No, even if you want to join for one game that's ok
Get your friends and family to sponsor you per game or per hour.
Just think...
If you can raise £10 then we can provide a #chrysalis care pack to a whole family in hospital. How amazing is that?!?!