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Updated: May 5, 2020

You are not alone. Life as we know it has changed for ever in the space of a month!

Here are some tips to keep you sane and help you live in isolation as happily and calmly as possible.

STAY INDOORS - this means everyone who doesn't live with you does not come in to visit. This seems lonely and isolating but the longer we don't follow the rules the longer isolation will continue

WASH YOUR HANDS - as an advocate you are probably doing this right already. But every 20 minutes wash your hands for 20-30 seconds with hot water and soap.

DRY YOUR HANDS - seems obvious but dry them properly.

LIMIT THE STAFF THROUGH YOUR DOOR - may seem impossible but chat with your care team and see if they will supply the same carers every week whilst this goes on. You'll be surprised how accommodating everyone will try to be.

GET SHOPPING DELIVERED TO YOU - If you can, online shopping seems to be on the black market these days, getting a slot is hard enough but you'll be surprised how many butchers, greengrocers and wholesalers are taking over the phone deliveries to your door for cash.

IF YOU DO NEED TO GO SHOPPING, take gloves and a mask if you can, wipe your trolley down, only touch what you need and stay 2 metres away from anyone at any time. On your return take your shoes and coat off at the front door, wash the shopping down before putting it away.

OPEN THE WINDOWS IN THE MORNING - in the morning open the windows and let the fresh air in.

PLAN YOUR DAY - obviously the care of your child will probably structure most of your day and night. Try and plan something for mid morning and mid afternoon and early evening to break the day up and have something to look forward too.

PLAN TO HAVE A BREAK - even if its a cup of tea, plan it.

HAVE A DIGITAL BREAK - there is SO MUCH information coming through the TV, phone, radio and tablet. It is constant! Try and switch off for 30mins to an hour a day.

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