See beyond the learning disability
Almost a year on we find ourselves in a situation where do not resuscitate orders are being forced on people who have learning disabilities. As a mam to a little girl with down syndrome this news has shocked me to my core once more . I am again made to feel like our only option is to hide away in our house, for fear of Faye being refused care should she become ill.
If there is ever a reason why we advocate so fiercely for our children this is it! We fight so hard because from the very beginning the odds are stacked against them, but with us they will defy all the odds and prove every naysayer wrong.
Faye is a little girl. She is a daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece and cousin and down syndrome does not define her.
It is time we start looking beyond the learning disability otherwise you will miss the beauty within that person. A decision as catastrophic as a DNR should not be made based off someone having a learning disability. People with learning disabilities aren't any less worthy of living than anyone else.